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Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm kinda new to this...

One word to describe me: AWESOME. OK, now that that's out of the way...

This isn't my first blog! But it's goning to be the best one!

Basically, I'm just here to write down anything that interests me. Upload any pics that make me laugh, or twitter status's which have me ROFLMAO! :)

I live in a small, random town in South Africa (which btw is really beautiful, South Africa that is)

I'm a huge fan of the Kardashians, but hey, don't judge and the planet stays cool and peaceful and all the shizz.. blah blah blah

I'm also very non-commital and hardly ever finish what I start (which sucks if you ask me) and its really lame, especially when I start writing. I have so many ideas flying around inside my head, that sometimes I just can't get them all down and then I lose interest.

My favorite series on tv include Royal Pains, Heroes, and Off the Map (which should NEVER have been cancelled :'( .. kinda hating on ABC for that decision!)

Uhm, I'm a HUGE music fan. I like all types of music, but mostly pop, electronic, rock and random indie bands. :) The likes of Neon Trees etc. I also find 80's music EXTREMELY cool! And stand fast in the belief that MOST of our music pales in comparison.

Favorite song @ the moment is "Just take these photos from my hand" by Snow Patrol (who have amazing music if you haven't checked them out)

I have a blackberry, which I'm sad to say, almost always has me preoccupied, whether it be googling stuff, checking up random shizz on twitter or looking at funny pics. But I'm not complaining.

Weird fact about me: I find lisps extremely cool! And sometimes I find mythelf typing ath if I have a lithp! :)

Old bands that I totally dig include Fleetwood Mac and Queen (who have some great songs as well, although it probably helps that my sister is a huge fan of them)

I'm gonna go now. Sorry this post was so random and jumpy. Just trying to fill you in on my latest likes and habits etc! :)


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